Rabbi Reuven Stepsky received his Semicha from Harav Shammai Zahn ZT”L of Sunderland and Dayan C Kaplan ZT”L of the London Beis Din.
Email: rabbistepsky@shemabni.org.uk

Rebbetzen Elisheva Stepsky has been involved in Jewish Education and community for over 30 years.
Email: eli7@shemabni.org.uk

Rabbi Danny Kirsch early career moves led him to the fashion industry, however it was the Jewish community which eventually won the day.
Email: rabbikirsch@shemabni.org.uk

Rebbetzen Jackie Kirsch is a life coach and works in senior Management as a qualified primary school teacher.
Email: jkirsch@shemabni.org.uk

Lucy Barnes
Women’s Programme Coordinator
Hailing from Ilford, Essex, following her time in Seminary in Israel, Lucy completed her degree in early years education and then rising to head of kindergarten at a NW London school.

Rabbi Shloime Halberstadt spent many years Studying in prestigious Yeshivas both in the UK and Israel.
Email: snhalbers@gmail.com

Rabbi Alan Garber
Rabbi Alan Garber was community Rabbi for over 16 years, in Shenley, Sydney and Leeds. He has also been the Jewish Hospital Chaplain at Watford and Northwick Park.