Personal Learning Program
1. Have you ever dreamed of spending a couple of days or a week back in Yeshiva or Sem?
2. Maybe you didn’t get the opportunity to spend some time in yeshiva or sem but would love to have a taste of the experience?
3. Are you frustrated in achieving your personal learning goals?
4. Is there are particular topic, subject or skill you would like to upgrade?
5. Are you in between jobs with some spare time you would like to use constructively?
6. Do you need a boost to help with your child’s learning?
If so, the Shema B’ni personal learning programme is for you!
Shema B’ni collaborates with other London Based organisations to create a Personal Learning Programme for both men and women of any age catering for all levels.
Your PLP could be for just one day or upto a month, full day or half day.
We are here to help design a bespoke learning experience for you. Our experienced co-ordinator will guide and assist you to help you maximise your time.
Suggested Topics include:
- Hebrew reading skills – get familiar with the Siddur and following the service at Shul
- Chumash skills
- Mishna and Gemoro skills
- Jewish philosophy and Hashkofa
- Personal development
- Jewish living – Practical Halocho, Hilchos Shabbos, Kashrus and running a Kosher home, Laws of Family Purity
- Marriage enhancement programme
- Parenting skills
Where? We operate in North West London, Edgware, Borehamwood and Elstree.
For further information and booking please email